What is Inverted Gentleman Reviews?

The Inverted Gentleman is a newsletter about movies and books as well as other mediums that can generally be categorized as art. By subscribing to IGreviews.substack.com you will become part of a community that values insightful dialogues with people who share the same interests.

The Inverted Gentleman offers a unique perspective on the topics it approaches. A film review, for example, is more than just a statement on how good a particular movie is. Rather, it is a microlesson on what makes a film good. It is my goal to increase the level of the reader’s understanding and appreciation for art.

Try this. Before reading IGreviews, make a list of your favorite movies or books. Revisit that list sometime later. Do you keep the list the same? Or would you modify it? Subscribe, and let me know in the comments.

IGreviews also seeks to expand knowledge. We will do this by reading, reviewing and discussing works of nonfiction on a variety of interesting (and controversial) topics.

Who is T. C.?

I am a Cincinnati-based writer and editor with a degree in journalism. I have written film and book reviews for a few publications such as The News Record. I am a contributor to the forth coming Pearls Before Swine literary magazine. I also do manuscript coaching and editing.

Contact Me…

Questions, comments or concerns? Need a second pair of eyes to look over your manuscript? Contact me at InvertedGentlemanEditing@gmail.com

From The Devils’ Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce:

CYNIC, n. A blackguard whose faulty visions sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a cynic’s eye to improve his vision.

BLACKGUARD, n. A man whose qualities, prepared for display like a box of berries in a market - the fine ones on top – have been opened on the wrong side. An inverted gentleman.

Subscribe to Inverted Gentleman Reviews

To expand knowledge and increase appreciation for art.


I am a Cincinnati based writer, editor and co-founder of the forth coming Pearls Before Swine literary magazine. I have a degree in journalism.